The History of 




        T4L was established in 2007 as a gaming group for the popular game "Starcraft" by three men, Payton Jordan, Justin Cote, and Anthony Petrovich. Mr. Petrovich dropped out of the T4L iniative, feeling that it wasn't going anywhere. He was right though. For a long time it was dormant. Not doing anything drastic. Until a "Truce" was brought into play. It stated that no one of T4L should be hit in the balls by another member. The "Truce" was a success. And with that success came the spark of new ideas that had laid dormant for months. Since then, the grasp of T4L has reached from Bagdhad, Iraq. All the to Asia. As time went on though, the gaming aspect of it has begun to get overshadowed by other things. Today it is still a gaming group but incorperates so much more then just that. There are plans in the works for T4L to become its own nation.
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